Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Taking the Grand TOR: Part 4

Do you know what a really cliched statement is?  "Shit just got real."  

Oh, and shit just got real.

My Sith Warrior storyline just took an utter 180 degree turn, and I was blindsided by it.  It was glorious.  I was actually feeling a little bit tired as I was playing this evening -- eyes were heavy, I was yawning, and I wasn't sure I was going to make it to level 42 even though I only had a half a level to do rather than a full level.  Then the story kicked into overdrive and I was on the edge of my seat.  Got to 42 easily and had to force myself to stop for the evening.  It was good stuff.  Loving it.

And with that said, here are some old screenshots.


This is a taxi on Alderaan, and it is epic.  Those are living beings that are carrying you there, make no mistake about that.  It's a shame the Empire blows up that planet in the first movie.  Ha!


Also, Alderaan is gorgeous.  There's a lot...and I mean a LOT...of grass and trees.  This makes it lag my computer horribly.  (We'll see how my new rig handles it.  Oh yes, this is the first time I've mentioned that I'm getting a new system.  More on that later.)


This should remind you of the beginning of The Phantom Menace, when Qui Gon cuts through a sealed door.  I love these little moments in the game that make you feel as through you're basically living a moment from the movies.  It's quite well done.


You underestimate my power, Jedi!


The total amount of epicness in this screenshot is actually greater than the number of adjectives I could possibly use to describe it.


I look confused or something in this screenshot.  Lulz.


See that companion beside me?  I turned her to the dark side after the battle of awesomeness depicted two screenshots ago.  Whee!  Evilness!


That's a big droid.  A very big droid.  Good thing I have a bigger lightsaber.


This is a very cinematic screenshot.


Cool guys don't look at explosions.

Also, I need to design a better way to post images.  I don't like the way the text formats around them.  

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