Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Taking the Grand TOR: Part 6

Alright, it's time to finish up all of my screeshots, so that I'm actually up to date with where I am in the game.  Also, I'm going to change the way I post images here a little bit.  Well, actually, I'm going to change the format of the text that goes with them, so it's easier to tell which picture the text belongs with.  I'm going to use captions.  Wish me luck!

You're having a nice pleasant walk in the woods and OMG WTF IS THAT THING?!

That thing was elite, too.  Not something you'd want to find in some dark forest by any means.  Also going through that area reminded me of this book I'm reading -- The Talisman.  The main character, Jack, was almost murdered by the forest.  Think of Tokien's Fangorn Forest, only evil.  Or, if you will, imagine the forest from MacBeth...only for real.  (Incidentally, Tolkien's forest really was alive because he was disappointed that Shakespeare's forest in MacBeth was not.  True story.)

These guys remind me of the Protoss.  Just a little bit.

 Beam me up, Sc-OMG WTF ARE YOU DOING?!

I could try and explain what's happening there, but it would take me forever.  Basically, let's just say that those guys being held in those pods are very power Darth Lords that I needed to free.  The not-Protoss were keeping them captive and draining their force energy. 

Why I thought I could totally avoid these creatures is beyond me.

Oh yeah, because THAT'S not ominous.
Stop laughing and get me a can opener.  Quick!
I face off against Darth Baras' other apprentice.  Rumor is he can't die.
My hobbies include long walks on the beach, and disproving myths about other Sith being invincible.
I love this shot.  I sort of missed the other guy, but I don't care, it still looks amazing.
This particular landscape reminds me of Azshara.  Voss is like what Azshara would look like if Blizzard had designed it today, rather than six years ago.
"Gold!  I found gold!"
You know things are getting serious when eyes start glowing.
A long time ago at a prom far, far away...

Okay, so the whole thing with the Voice of the Emperor.  Here's what went down, and I shouldn't need to mention that these are major spoilers:  My master, Darth Baras, betrayed me because he was afraid I was becoming too powerful.  He sent his other apprentice to kill me, and afterwards he declared himself the Voice of the Emperor.  What that means is that he was proclaiming that the Emperor himself was speaking through him and that his word was the Emperor's will.  

The Dark Council was forced to believe this, through a wide variety of scare tactics, blackmail, and other such deviancy orchestrated by Baras.
To combat this, the Emperor put his "Hand" into action.  The Hand of the Emperor is an illusive and secret group of Sith that carry out the Emperor's instructions.  After Baras betrayed me, the Emperor sent the Hand to me to elevate me to the Wrath of the Emperor.  As the Emperor's Wrath, I was sent on a collision course with Baras to bring him down for good.

And now, I actually think I've written enough for one evening.  I have more screenshots than I thought I did.  I do have two more to share before signing off, though.

Saburo without Sith Corruption.

Saburo with Sith Corruption.

This nightmare has been brought to you by PD Industries.  All rights reserved.  You're welcome.  Sweet dreams!

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