Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jedi Knight Vlog: Part 4

There's an interesting twist in these sets of videos, and the storyline is starting to take shape.  It starts out simple enough -- when last we left our hero, a doctor of the Republic had been kidnapped.  I'm given the task of rescuing him.

I have to convince some troops to join me on this mission.  Y'see, the Justicar are pretty damn well equipped, and these forces have been suffering some considerable losses trying to fight them.  Luckily, I'm pretty good at rousing speeches.

So there we go, busting into the kidnapper's base to save the doctor.  Only to discover...

He's a Sith!  Yeah, that's not exactly good news.  Well, back to the General, then!

So now, I have a Sith Lord to track down.

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