Thursday, January 19, 2012

What the FUCK, id?

I'm about to prove to you that I do not hold back when it comes to game developers that I worship.  Oh how misguided you are if you thought that might be the case with me.  How misguided indeed.  I should start at the beginning though.  And don't worry, this post is not going to be 100% rant.  It'll take me a while to get to that.  BUT GET TO IT I WILL.

Ok, I'm back.  You didn't notice a thing, but I left for like 15 minutes.  I needed new music.  I get that urge randomly, and when it happens there's really nothing I can do about it.  Now, on with the show!

I decided to finish Rage this evening, as I wasn't quite in the mood to play TOR and playing an FPS actually quite appealed to me.  This brings me to the first annoyance of the evening.  I was actually going to record all of my playthrough this evening, and just post it.  But I couldn't get a decent framerate at all.  I tried many things -- internal hard drive, external hard drive, lowering the FPS on the Fraps recording, changing to half size, and so on.  Nothing I tried worked.  Rage was PLAYABLE...but I could notice that I wasn't getting the framerate I should be getting.  And it was varying to a very extreme degree.  Sometimes I'd actually be at 60 FPS.  But it would randomly drop down to 10.  Also, even at 60 FPS, I could notice stuttering when I moved the camera around.

It was rather frustrating...but not incredibly surprising.  With Rage's megatextures, I had a hunch that it would be a problem to record smoothly.  Let's not forget that I had every video setting cranked up to the highest, because, y'know, I can do that.  Game runs fantastic when I'm not recording.  But you know me -- I refuse to turn anything down.  *shrugs*  Oh well!  If it's any consolation, you actually didn't miss all that much.

As for the game itself, I have such good things to say about it.  And one big, huge, massive, gigantic, humongous, WTFuken, blimp-sized bitch about it.


There's a lot of sci-fi mumbo jumbo at the end of the game.  It basically becomes Quake, for all intents and purposes.  I'm not necessarily saying this is a bad thing, of course, I'm just pointing it out.


If you'll recall my previous posts about the game, the story of Rage is that the world was nearly destroyed by an asteroid, humans were put into arks to survive, and you wake up in the wasteland of a future.  You've got the rebels, and they're fighting the Authority.  Simple.  No one playing and id game is playing it for the story, trust me.

In any case, the last part of the game had me breaking into the Authority main base to upload a certain file.  This file would activate a satellite up in space, which would allow the rebels to locate all the other buried arks and free all the humans inside of them, thus creating and army to fight the Authority.

I've already talked about how good this game is previously.  The weapons, the graphics (most of all), the controls, and so on.  Already talked about that, and I still stand by what I said.  And since you've read this far, it's time to reveal what has me so fucking annoyed.

Ok, so I break into the Authority base, thinking to myself that this is probably going to be the end and I'm going to find something horrifying or shocking inside.  Obviously there will be a final boss fight.  This is id after all.  I get to the top.  I fight three or four waves of mutants.  The rebels found out that the Authority was building a mutant army and who knows what else, so I wasn't surprised to find mutants in their base.

So I fight these three to four waves of mutants, and I upload the file.  A cutscene plays showing arks all over the world activating and popping out of the ground.

Then the game ends.

Excuse me what?

No, really.  What the hellassballs?

And you know what:  It was such an abrupt ending that I'm so very sure it wasn't just bad writing.  It's like they didn't finish the fucking game!  Either they had a deadline they couldn't meet, or they simply rushed the game out after seeing that Borderlands and Fallout have already done the same thing.  (And in a lot of ways, done it better.)

You've disappointed me id.  Only a 2012 release of Doom 4 will ever be able to make up for it.

Yeah, I'm dreaming there.  Pft.

Here, have a pointless screenshot from the final cutscene.

Instead, here, have a screenshot of a BFG cameo!


Sigh.  I just...I can't fucking stupid.  God dammit.  Fucking cop-out of an ending.  Ballsacks!

And really, that's my only complaint about the game.  But hell, it's a LULU.

I was able to contain my rage (har har, see what I did there?) enough during the ending credits to pay attention to the song that was playing.  I listened to it again after I calmed down from that TURD of an ending, and then again. And then again.  And I'm listening to it again right now.  It's excellent, and it fits the tone of the game beautifully.  Bravo on that one.  I will take this song as a consolation prize to this STEAMING PILE OF YAK VOMIT OF AN ENDING.

For your listening pleasure, here is the song.

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