Thursday, October 06, 2011


I hate people.  I especially hate ignorant people.   

Today, I was sitting at my desk working, minding my own business.  The Wookie comes waddling over.  I always try ignoring it, but it tends to linger until I acknowledge its existence.  I won't extend this particular part of the post any longer than I have to, so I'll just say that it knows I'm a gamer and asked  me about Rage.  It then proceeded to complain about the graphics, stating that they look six years old.  

Urge.  To.  Murder.  Near.  Critical.  Mass.  

I can only surmise it's playing Rage on a console.  HEY I THINK I FOUND YOUR PROBLEM.  GET A PROPER GAMING MACHINE YOU TWIT.  

Moving on.  *Deep breaths.*

The shot above is from one of the lairs of the bandits.  As I said the other day, there's not really much of a story right now.  You have the good survivors (the people giving you quests), and you have the bad survivors (bandits and muties).  You kill the bad survivors and you help the good survivors.  That's about it.  But, like I said before, I wasn't expecting a long and involved story from id.  It's not what they do.  

That's a cool looking statue.  And yes, I'm just dropping random screenshots into this post.  Deal with it.  Alright, so, I do have two complaints so far.   One actually is about the graphics.  As I stated, I never had any of the very serious graphics issues that a lot of people reported.  However, I can catch things rendering in the game out of the corner of my eye, especially if I turn around really fast.  What I found myself doing on occasion was purposefully spinning my camera really fast in order to try and catch it.  That tells me two things:  One, that the issue isn't that bad if I actually have to TRY and get it to happen.  And two, that it exists and it's enough to make me notice it, otherwise I wouldn't be trying to make it happen.  In other words, it's not a game breaker but it's something that I hope they will eventually fix.  It'd be a shame for such a fantastic graphics engine to keep such a stupid problem.

The other issue I have is that it seems the lip-syncing is just a few seconds off.  This baffles me, because I had the same exact problem with Deus Ex.  I'm starting to think that it's -my- problem.  I can't possible imagine two big name game developers (Eidos and id) letting the same exact sort of problem slip through their QA.  I'll have a look online at some point and see what all I can find about it.  But, again, it's a problem that I don't notice unless I look for it, and in this case it's me leaning forward putting my nose nearly up to my computer monitor to look at the lips.  So once again, not a game breaker, but if fixed it's something that would drive the game closer to perfection.

Aside from wishing the game had Wookies in it (so I could shoot them), I don't have anything else to complain about right now.  I have a hunch that the story is going to open up very soon.  I just reached a third settlement of good survivors, and it's much bigger than the previous two.  This one actually has a mayor.  (He's fat, has a nice office, and talks like a true politician.)  I honestly thought I took a screenshot of him, but I can't find it now.  Instead, have a picture of a SCARY MUTIE!

And right now, I can't think of anything else to say at the moment as I'm left wondering why I'm not playing the game RIGHT THIS SECOND.  So I'll leave you with a screenshot of that third settlement I mentioned, and head into the game for some more quality entertainment.

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