Sunday, March 28, 2010

Just Cause 2

I went back and forth on this game for a few days — I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend the money on it.  But last night I wasn’t in the mood to play FE at first, and I sure as hell didn’t want to play WoW, and Metro 2033 crashed on me again.  So that sort of made up my mind. 

I’m glad I decided to get it. 

This game is very reminicient of Batman:  AA, with the use of the grappling hook and all that.  Basically it’s AA with guns.  The controls are a bit more clunky than AA, but the enjoyment and action is just as good.  Instead of a bat cape to cushion my falls, I have a parachute. 

So yeah, it’s a good game.  The stunts you get to pull off are pretty cool and make you feel like a badass.  I would highly recommend the game for any action/adventure game fans. 

JustCause2 2010-03-28 02-30-37-17
Ooh, pretty.

JustCause2 2010-03-28 02-39-54-74
Making things explode is the stable of any adventure game.

JustCause2 2010-03-28 02-41-26-76
The over-the-shoulder view is very well done.

JustCause2 2010-03-28 02-44-43-91
You definitely might want to skip this game if you have a thing about heights.

JustCause2 2010-03-28 02-50-08-34
Another enemy base left in ruins. 

Now playing: The Takeover UK - Ah La La

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