Saturday, June 24, 2006

200th Post...Woo!

200th blog entry. Gotta love a milestone....

Anyway, I'll be leaving for Erie in about 30 minutes for a meeting. It's a beautiful day today too, and the meeting will be outside. That's a bonus. I got me a new CD burned for the car. (You can see my priorities are in the right place.)

Last night, I went on a mission. I had 146 GB free on my anime downloading hard drive, and my goal was to free up enough space so that I had at least 200 GB free. After massive amounts of burning to DVD, the final free space count was...........218 GB. Yay! I'm over 1.5 TB of anime now. Yeesh.

Back later tonight......with a new issue of Uncorporate America! Don't miss it.

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Holy smokes.  The last post I wrote for this blog was on October 18, 2017.  Through the little more than  two years since, this blog has be...