Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What this doing in here?

I went to the bathroom this morning. Common occurrence. Typically I'm quick about it, because I don't particularly enjoy public restrooms. Especially the ones here at the office, since they tend to smell like flaming inside out ass.

Anyway, I go in, do what I need to do, and head over to the sink to wash my hands. It was there that I stopped quite suddenly in my tracks, because I noticed there was something on the sink that really, really shouldn't have been there. It was the bottom part of a CD spindle case. If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a picture compliments of Google image search:

Naturally, my mind began to think of why someone would take the bottom part of a CD spindle case into the bathroom. And naturally, my mind went right into the gutter.

And it further degraded into the gutter as I thought, "Ok, so they left it by the sink...did they clean it off after they were done or something?"

I need to stop thinking. Either that or I need to stop using public restrooms...

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