Saturday, November 18, 2006

New! Improved!

In Google's neverending efforts to take over the world, they've redone the whole blogger program. Of course, all I see are shiny new buttons that do the same thing the old buttons did. Go figure. I really don't see what all you can do with Blogger. I mean, really, you type in a window and post. What else is there?

ANYway, I got skynet back on Thursday. I really don't know how I was surviving this past month without it. And for the curious, the first thing I did when I got it back was delve into my old emails, looking for proof that my system really was under warranty. And lo and behold, I found the emails, and forwarded said information to Alienware with a "WTF, mate?". Confirmation was soon received that my warranty is indeed good until 2007. Boo-ya! No charge for repairs. Mwa-hahahaha.

And I don't know what the hell they put in my liquid cooling system, but the damn thing is running about 20 degrees cooler than it did before. Whoa.

Now I'm off for dinner at Applebees. Mmmmm, Applebees. I like anyplace where I can have BOTH good food and booze.

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