Thursday, December 01, 2011

This is getting Serious.

Let's chat a bit more about Serious Sam 3, because I feel it rather deserves it.  First, I want to point out a throw back from the days of old school shooters.  Try to think back to the likes of the original Half-Life.  Doom 3.  Quake 4.  And pretty much any pre-2005 shooter worth it's salt.  Do you remember what would happen about 50-75% through the game?  Hopefully you do.  I'm talking about the infamous point where you're either captured or knocked out, and you lose all of your weapons.  Then, you pick them up again one by one in a sort of sped-up version of how you started the game.  I freaking love that!  Serious Sam 3 just did it to me.  They were telling the truth when they said their game was "a glorious throwback to the golden age of first-person shooters where men were men, cover was for amateurs and pulling the trigger made things go boom."

Ok, next!  Do you remember in my previous post, I mentioned a new enemy?  Well, here's the bitch right here:

I -hate- her.  She hovers in the air, and she's telepathic.  If you are in her line of sight when she appears, you will be stunlocked until she disappears again.  So difficult to fight!  Rockets work best.

How about a few more screenshots?

Remember that other screenshot with the monster sitting on a throne, and I said if the thing had been alive and moved I would have shat myself?  Well, the monster above was sat in a throne and moved when I approached.  I shat myself.

I got the portable cannon tonight.  (That actually reminds me -- I haven't gotten it -back- after I was stripped of all my weapons.  How strange!  I'm sure I'll get it back soon enough.)  The cannonballs got a lot larger than previous games -- look at them!

That's a whole lot of kleers charging at me.  Luckily, I have a minigun.

Mmk, next I would like to introduce you to the space monkeys.  These little bastards are incredibly fast, and cleaning out a room full of them is actually one of my favorite things to do in this game.  They're hard to hit, and I like that!  It's a challenge sometimes.  In any case, I can't really explain them to you properly with screenshots.  Therefore, I have made a video of me cleaning out a roomful of them.  Enjoy!

I thought I had also recorded a cut-scene that I wanted to share as well, but unfortunately I must have pressed the record key twice.  Therefore, instead of getting the scene I wanted, I got footage of me going through the game menu to exit out.  Balls!

BUT, I do have two other videos to share.  They'll have to wait, thought -- they're not done uploading to YouTube yet.  I'll probably post them tomorrow or something like that.  

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