Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I can see!

I went waaaay too long without getting an eye exam.  I knew my vision was getting a little iffy, and today I finally went to the eye doctor.  My eyes are healthy, but as I suspected, I needed a stronger prescription.

It was SO NICE getting those new contacts.  The things I can see!  And read!  Whee!

I also got new glasses, as well, since those haven't been updated for an even longer span of time.  And Buyo ate my old ones.

Getting new glasses is fun for me, because it's basically choosing a new face for yourself.  It's less of a big deal for me, I suppose, since I only wear my glasses when I'm in bed reading or watching TV.  But still, it's fun to actually change your appearance like that.  I suppose I'll have to take a picture of them when I get 'em and post it.  Look for that in about 2-3 weeks.  

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