Thursday, April 04, 2013

It's almost the time of year for gardening.  Though, being outside this morning, you wouldn't have thought so, given the fact that it was fifteen fucking degrees.  But despite the fact that winter refuses to fuck right off, it is quickly becoming time to consider what seedlings I would like to start indoors.  Last year, my attempts were, admittedly, only mildly successful in that regard.  I got a pumpkin.  A few of the flowers also bloomed.  I think we may have gotten some green beans as well.

So this year, I did a little bit of research first and I picked some things based upon two known facts:  That they are -supposed- to be started indoors first, and that they are relatively easy to grow.  I don't have the set-up to try anything challenging indoors.  I would like a green house.  But as Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite says, "I want a puppy, too, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get one."

I purchased six different kinds of seeds.  Three vegetables, and three flowers.  The vegetables you will undoubtedly recognize:  Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Cabbage.  With regards to the flowers, I'll be quite surprised and and impressed if you have heard of any of these:  Cleome, Celosia, and Nasturtium.  Don't worry, I had no idea what these were, either.  But, they are supposedly rather easy to grow, and they look very nice.  So I'm going to give them a try.  Seeds are cheap, so I've really nothing to lose.

1 comment:

Sue Boyson said...

As an added bonus you can eat the Nasturtium leaves!


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