Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The following information would have seemed disturbing and bizarre to me, if it weren't for the fact that I work in an office that has its own Wookie. As such, this really doesn't come as any surprise to me at all.

I was reading my PC Gamer magazine last night, and I came across an article about Spore. If you're been living under a rock for the last year or so -- Spore is a computer game released quite recently that allows you to create a little single-celled organism, and evolve it up to a space-traveling intelligent life-form. You can customize everything about your little creature -- how it looks, sounds, moves, eats, etc.

Back on track: It seems that the modding community went a little overboard with their...ahem...creativity. Apparently, a lot of people have been creating porn with their spore creatures. The community has dubbed this as Sporn.

Yes, Sporn.

Now, as I said, had I not been exposed to the types of individuals I have thus been exposed to, I would have shaken my head and said, "There's no way anyone would enjoy something like that."

But now I can actually name a few who probably would. I think this falls into that "furry" category, if you want to get right down to it. If you don't know what I mean by "furry", go Google it. There's no way I'm getting on that topic right now.

So there you have it. If you're bored with porn, there's always sporn.

1 comment:

Just Random said...

Boo. I was excited when I thought this was going to be a story about the Wookie. I demand more Wookie stories. Sporn does sound interesting though.


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