Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I have no title for this...

There appears to be an epidemic of MySpacing where I work. As anyone who reads this regularly knows, I really never got into the whole fad. Sure I joined...only because someone asked me to. **Looks at CM**

But yeah, it's come to my attention that probably half my office is on it. I have nightmares of getting a bulletin on my page one day announcing the first annual company MySpace Bash. I will seriously have to throw myself in front of a very large moving object. (No nazi jokes!)

I can see it now -- CEO comes walking in going, "Hey guys, sorry about your bonuses that you never got, I spent it all on my sex change operation. Don't I look FABULOUS?!" *lifts up shirt*

And I'll be so fucking drunk, due to the horrendousness of the situation, that I'll be yelling, "Oh fuck yeah, I can't even see the airbrush lines! Now please excuse me while I rip my fucking eyeballs out of my head."

I'm so fired. But who gives a fuck? It's FUNNY!

Edit: I just realized that I most likely have my blog linked from my MySpace page. EVEN FUNNIER!

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