Thursday, December 02, 2010

Christmas Shopping!

I'm planning on going out and finishing any shopping that I need to do on Saturday.  The goal here is three-fold:  Finish getting presents for my family, purchase the things I need to clean my place up for the big day, and purchase food.

The presents thing is pretty self-explanatory.  I already have the majority of the gifts that I need.  All that's left, really, are a few odds and ends, some gift cards, a card or two, etc.  (Making a list, checking it twice...)

The cleaning supplies are needed because I need to spruce the place up a bit.  Christmas Day is spend in my place, and obviously I want to exude some semblance of cleanliness.  (Not that I'm a slob the rest of the year, mind you.)

As for the food, the purpose there is to gather ingredients to try my hand at cooking.  I have two new cookbooks that I recently purchased from Pampered Chef.  I'm looking forward to the disaster that is sure to follow.

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