Friday, February 05, 2010

What the fuck is taking so long?

To start with, let me put things into perspective.  I had to actually look back through my blog posts to find out the day my car accident occurred.  It's been that long that I forgot, and it turns out it was a bit earlier in the month of November than I recall.  November 19th, 2009.  That was 11 weeks go.  

And I still don't have my car back.  

As for the circumstances surrounding why such a utterly unbelieveable situation should even exist, I have no answers.  The place that is fixing my car has only relayed a message to me two times over the course of these 11 weeks.  The first time was a converstation initiated by ME, basically asking, "Dude, WTF?". At that time, they were awaiting some part they needed, and it was apparently hard to get.  (I guess getting parts for a new car is sort of like having to walk over water without being Jesus.  Right there in that particular area of difficulty.  I say use a fucking water walking elixir.)  

The second time they've contacted me was this week.  I was expecting them to tell me one of the following things:  

1.  Your car is fixed.  (This is the one I would have liked to hear the most.)
2.  Your car will be ready soon. 
3.  We're very sorry this is taking so long, but we expect to be done on X day.

Instead, I get a request to bring my rental car in on Saturday, because they don't want to have to start paying the rental agency extra cash due to them taking WAY too long to fix my fucking car.  So, in other words, my rental is getting repossessed.  How funny and fucked up is this situation?  How, in the name of Zeus' butthole, does every situation get this fucked up?  Who the fuck is in charge here?  All questions to which I have no answers.  

So they said they are giving me a car to drive.  Great.  Can't wait to see this.  And thank you very fucking much for wasting my time on my weekend.  Fuck you very, very much, indeed.

And I don't know, perhaps maybe you can fix my fucking car before we reach the THREE MOTHER FUCKING MONTH MILESTONE?  That's in two weeks.  I'm sure you can manage to be utterly inept for that much longer.

(That being said, I have no idea how much of this is their fault, really.  They truly were waiting on parts for a long time, but I'm damn sure at least part of this LONG MOTHER FUCKING WAIT is on them.  I've been told that places like this will delay large jobs while they fix dents and scratches and buffs which don't take long and generate a quick buck.)

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