Monday, August 23, 2010


I've been playing the hell out of Torchlight since Friday night.  Overall, since then, I've clocked a whopping 21 hours into the game according to Steam.  That's a lot.  There are two reasons for this.  The first is that I recently read about Torchlight 2, and the fact that it should be available in the Spring of 2011.  That inspired me to play the first one, especially since the second one mentioned that it will have co-op.  Sweet.  Secondly, I needed something to play until Mafia II comes out on Tuesday.  (And something to fall back on, should Mafia II end up sucking the big one.)

Steam has added 66 achievements to SteamCloud since I last played the game.  I have 26 of them so far.  And yes, I will admit that part of the reason I'm still playing the game is so that I can get more achievements.  I beat the final boss of the game after 8 hours. 

Now playing: Linkin Park - Shadow Of The Day

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