Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sab’s Simple Strats: The Omnotron Defense System

What the hell is it?
A council encounter within Blackwing descent consisting of 4 stone constructs of Dwarven design.

How’s it work?
First Construct Activates à Second Construct Activates, First Construct Shields à Third Construct Activates, First Construct Goes Inactive, Second Construct Shields à Fourth Construct Activates, First Construct Still Inactive, Second Construct Goes Inactive, Third Construct Shields. 

Repeat.  Laser Beam indicates which construct is next.  Transition occurs when the most recently activated construct’s energy bar reaches 0.

What the hell do they do?

·         Power Generator.  Whirlpool.  Keep boss out of it, positioned so that melee DPS can stand in it and DPS the boss.
·         Arcane Annihilator.  Big damage spell.  Interruptible. 
·         Power Conversion.  Transition shield.  Don’t attack him when it’s active.

·         Lightning Conductor.  “Living Bomb” type mechanic.  Person who gets it needs to run away from the raid.  Tank can get it.  Raid runs away from him then.
·         Electrical Discharge.  Unavoidable AoE.  Stay spread out to reduce how many people are hit by it.
·         Unstable Shield.  Transition shield.  Don’t attack him when it’s active.

·         Incineration Security Measure.  Fire AoE.  Don’t move the boss. 
·         Acquiring Target.  Targets a raid member with a red laser, with a big attack to follow.  Don’t stand in the path of the beam.
·         Barrier.  Transition shield.  Don’t attack him when it’s active. 

·         Poison Cloud.  Increases damage taken by 50%.  Don’t stand in it.  Put the boss in it.  If tanking Toxitron, be mindful of where the raid is, as you don’t want the boss too close to them due to the next ability.
·         Poison Protocol.  Slow moving slime adds.  Untauntable.  Target a random person and moves towards them, blowing up and leaving a poison patch on the ground if they reach the target.  Must be kited and killed. 
·         Poison Soaked Shell.  Transition shield.  Don’t attack him when it’s active.  Well okay, attack him a little bit. 

What the hell do I do?
Tank:  Requires two.  Since only two constructs are active at a time, you only need to tank one of them.  If there’s a whirlpool, get the boss out of it.  If Arcane Annihilator is being cast, interrupt it.  If your boss shields, stop hitting it.  If Magmatron is AoEing, don’t move him.  If there’s a big red laser, don’t stand in its path.  If there’s a poison cloud, put the boss in it.  But, make sure there’s not a whirlpool hiding under the poison, and if you have Toxitron, make sure you’re not moving the boss too close to other raid members.

Healers:  Stand in a whirlpool if you’re running low on mana.  Spread out when Electron or Magmatron is active.  If they are both active at the same time, be prepared to heal a lot until one of them deactivates.  Get away from everyone if you get Lightning Conductor.  Spam heal/shield/HoT the target of the big red laser.  Don’t stand in the path of the big red laser.  Don’t stand in the poison clouds.  Kite the poison adds if they target you.

DPS:  Stay spread out, especially when Electron or Magmatron is active.  Stand in a whirlpool for a nice damage boost.  Get away from everyone if you get Lightning Conductor.  If you have defensive cooldowns, use them if you are targeted by the big red laser.  Do not stand in the path of the big red laser.  Don’t stand in the poison clouds.  Kite the poison adds if they target you and nuke them down as fast as you can.  Do not DPS a boss that has an active shield.  

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