Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sab's Simple Strats: Chimaeron

What the hell is it?
A big fucking hydra in Blackwing Descent

How's it work?
It's a fight about self-control on the part of the healers, and guaranteed death on the part of the tanks.

What the hell does it do?

  • Caustic Slime.  Huge ass damage to everyone within 6 yards.  Split.
  • Massacre.  Huge ass damage to everyone.
  • Feud.  The three heads of the hydra fight with each other.
  • Double Attack.  Chimaeron hits the tank twice with one swing.
  • Break.  Stacking damage and healing debuff on the tank.
  • Mortality.  Immune to taunt and reduces healing taken by raid by 99%.
What the hell do I do?

The fight is two phases.  100% to 20% health is Phase 1.  If I have to explain when Phase 2 is, then angry horse is angry.

Start the fight by talking to Finkle.  That's not optional.

DPS to 20%.  DPS like hell at 20%.  Tanks will eventually die from no healing.  DPS has to get creative to survive until the boss is dead.  Use defensive cooldowns and kite.

Everyone:  While Finkle's Mixture is active, everyone should stay spread out.  The person hit by Caustic Slime will be reduced to 1 health.  While Finkle's Mixture is inactive, everyone except the two tanks should stack up to split the damage of Caustic Slime.

DPS:  Nothing too special.  You may have to do some fancy pants shit if you get aggro at the end of the fight.

Healers:  There is no point in healing anyone except the current tank to over 10,000 health.  Use self-control. There is no point in healing ANYONE during Phase 2.  DPS instead.

Tanks:  Swap at 3 stacks of Break.  Die in Phase 2.  

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