This will pretty much summarize my time with Rage this evening. You can imagine that this is my internal dialogue as I'm playing:
"I'm really surprised that id have moved away from their typical content of demons and intense gore of their other games. I suppose they've decided it was time to grow up a bit, or maybe they're...WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING AND WHY DOESN'T IT HAVE A FACE?!"
Yeah. I suppose you could say that, as the term goes, shit got real. I can tell when a game has me on edge, because I start gripping the mouse really hard and I'm leaned forward in my chair. I start tilting my head at my monitor when I turn corners, as if that will actually help me peek around to see if anything is there. And, of course, I start dodging the projectiles in real life.
Also, the game is messing with me. The bastards are being really clever. There was this one ammo cache room that I found -- had to grind the lock to get to it. It had a bunch of ammo and some odds and ends that I could either vendor for cash, or use to craft some items. There was this one box of something sitting on the table, and it was labeled "Pinkies". I figured it was just some type of miscellaneous food, maybe similar to "Twinkies". When I picked it up, suddenly I heard the loud growl of a Pinky Demon. I've played enough Doom to instantly recognize the sound, and I swung my camera around looking for the damned thing on instinct. It wasn't there, of course. Well played, id. Well played.
Another cool thing I came across tonight was this guy:
That little robot on the Doctor's shoulder had me so entertained during the dialogue sequences. It would nod, shake it's head, and it just had -so- much personality. I was really impressed with the animations. Also, beforehand, I had to place my sample of feltrite on this table. These two robotic arms came down to pick it up. The one on my right grabbed and made off with it, and the one on the left drooped a bit, as if sad, and went off to pout. It was so expressive, and it makes me sad, because I know hardly anyone else will appreciate what went into doing that. It adds so much personality to the game. It's one of those things that most people wouldn't even focus on, but they would notice it if it wasn't there.
Oh, and I found a boss that was about the size of a skyscraper.
He was the "Let-Us-Introduce-You-To-The-Rocket-Launcher" boss. I had to dodge huge chunks of rock that he was throwing at me. That he was ripping off of the side of a nearby skyscraper. It was epic.
Then...suddenly I was in Doom:
That's a hospital. I had to go there to upgrade my self-defibrillator. It was horrifying.
Needless to say, I'm quite enjoying myself. The story is moving forward a bit now -- it seems that the Authority that I've heard about really do not like anything from the "old world". That, naturally, goes to include me. So if they find me, they'll undoubtedly want to kill me. From that Doctor, I also learned that there is a resistance formed to try and fight the Authority. Obviously I'll be meeting them at some point, and I'm quite looking forward to that. I also look forward to having a run-in with the Authority, simply so I can see if that song is true: I fought the law and the law won.
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