Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bash TV

I was going  to do some of the car races in Rage this evening, but I was in the mood to shoot stuff.  Lucky for me, there's a quest for that!  (See what I did there?)  

There's this weird TV game show host out in the Wasteland who runs this channel called "Bash TV".  I had to go to him in order to get him to sponsor me for a car race -- it was the only way to progress further on that particular quest line.  In return for the sponsorship, I had to appear on his television show.  And apparently he would pay me to do so.


The object of the game show was to survive as they throw waves and waves of mutants at me.


I pretty much explain everything else in the video.  Feel free to watch and have a chuckle at my inability to be good at games.  Obviously I recommend clicking it to open it up in a new window.  It is in HD, and will probably look great fullscreened.

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