Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I'm sitting here trying to remember the times when I've been the most scared, and it's difficult to put this into the context of Halloween because real life is scary in a much different way than the whole concept of "Halloween Scary".  In real life, things like mortality, losing a loved one, job security, and stuff like that are all scary things.  They're also not fun to think or talk about, and thus not really conducive to a holiday that, while being about scary things, is also supposed to be fun.  So, I'll keep this light-hearted, in the spirit of the holiday.

I remember when I was a kid, around preteen or some such an age, I would have this thing I would do if I would arrive home at night.  Without going too far off-topic, this would happen quite often due to any number of activities I would do, especially during the summer.  Things like horseshoe leagues/tournaments, or going out after dark to help my Dad water tees and greens at the golf course where he worked.)  When I'd get home, and it'd be completely dark, I would walk around the house in a circle before going inside.  There were no lights around our house at the time, except for one in the driveway, so it would always be utterly dark, which made it scary.

I used to imagine scary things I had watched or read when I did this, which of course made it scarier.  My motivations for doing this was nothing more than wanting to be scared, of course.  That's just what I was like.  One night when I did this, it was shortly after I'd read this book called "Intensity" by Dean Koontz.  It was about this maniac who broke into this house and murdered everyone inside except for one girl, who ended up trapped in the back of his RV.  I was thinking of this book as I walked around the house that night, and I still remember thinking how odd the name of the maniac was:  Edgler Foreman Vess.  Right at that point, my brother jumped out of the bushes to scare the shit out of me.  

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