How long is 24 minutes? It's really not much. Sitting at my desk, I can watch an episode of anime before I even realize I'm watching anime. Doing it while exercising is a totally different story, let me tell you. A prime example of relativity. By the time I reached the half-way point, my legs were cursing my name and praying for death. I can see why a vast majority of the human race is fat. It's so much easier being fat. You just sit around, watch TV, sleep, it's great. I'm going to keep going, however.
The show I started watching is pretty good, I'm going to continue it. I burned 10 episodes, which will last me up to January 23. I'll encode the rest of the series tonight prolly (26 in total, plus a movie), so that puts me at around March 1. Hopefully by then I'll see if this is going to start doing me any good or not. I can see what's happening here though -- my opinion of this show I'm watching is going to be abnormally low because I'm going to constantly associate it with the TORTURE I'm putting myself through.
"So how is the show?"
"Fucking awful! I feel like shit after I'm done watching it, it's HORRIBLE."
I noticed something amusing though. During the quiet parts of the episode, my pace was really slow. Then, when a fighting scene came up, I was like the Engergizer bunny with a fucking nuclear reactor in the back. Meltdowns included.
Below is a picture of the torture chamber. Enjoy.
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