Friday, January 06, 2006

Helpful tips

Someone who is a professional bartender must ensure that they mix drinks as they are meant to be mixed, as close as possible to the original recipe so that a vast majority of people who order said drink will be happy with their beverage. That is, if they want to keep their job for long.

On the other hand, a person bartending at their own party ensures quite the opposite. For those of you who may not be sure exactly HOW you should be mixing your drinks at your own party (that is, if you bartend at your own parties), allow me to share my general rule of thumb:

After handing the drink to the person, if, after taking a sip, they don't shake uncontrollably, turn to me, and yell, "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" or "YOU BASTARD!", then I DIDN'T MAKE IT CORRECTLY.

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