Monday, April 10, 2006


You'd think that a game with the word "uber" in the title just has to be good. Well, it doesn't.

Really, there were only two reasons why I decided to download this game and try it out. One was simply because it's a shooter, and I must play every game in that particular genre. The second was because it's nazi killing, which is my second favorite past time. Ever. (My number 1 favorite past time, of course, is zombie killing.)

Well, the game has a cool enough premise: You play a German soldier. A *dead* German solider. You're brought back to live through a twisted nazi experiment gone awry, and you end up obeying the orders of the Allies, rather than your nazi counterparts. Killing ensues.

The graphics are 5 years outdated. They're dull. Boring. Blah.

The voice acting is horrid. The movement of the story sucks.

There is one really cool thing tho -- you have the power to erect this translucent shield all around you that stops bullets. Neat. I'm like a WWII version of Neo now. Color me woo.

Anyways, I'm not going to be playing any more of this one. PD says.......FAILED!

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