After completing several quests in Guild Wars, I'm beginning to see just how big the world is. Massive comes to mind. And I love the variety of the different areas as well, from the snow capped mountains of Wizard's Folly to the organic countryside of Lakeside County. And the dank, dark, creepy atmosphere of the catacombs. It's all very detailed, and great to look at. As far as RPG games go, the graphics are high end. (Still sub-par to graphics in such games in Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 however. But, I realize that for a game of this scale to have graphics THAT detailed, it would take about 100 Skynets to render them.)
In other news, I was out of cereal today and needed to get another box, so it was off to the grocery store. I was having a craving for Cookie Crisp, and as I entered the cereal aisle I found there was but ONE box left. As I'm standing there about to pick it up, I can hear this little warthog of a child coming down the aisle with his mother, screaming how much he wants Cookie Crisp. The mother was prolly wondering why I had such an evil smile on my face as I walked past her carrying the last box. I'm sure it all made sense after she saw the empty shelf, though.
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