Monday, December 19, 2011

Taking the Grand Tor: Part 2

Okay, so if I don't make this blog post soon, the number of screenshots I have to share is going to make it utterly impossible to catch up any time soon.   So I suppose I'd better get to it.  


It's already strange for me to look back on these, because I feel like I've progressed so far since I took them.   It's funny, because at the start I didn't really think that my character looked "low level" in regards to what he was wearing.  It looked good.  Looking back now, I do think that, because of how much better I look now.

All of these shots are still from Korriban.  If I was better at organizing this stuff, I would make a post about each planet.  Sadly, I'm not.  This particular image is what a particular Sith Lord did to his apprentice after I informed him that said apprentice tried to get me to sabotage his research.  Silly little apprentice.

This is my master -- Darth Baras.  He's unstable, unhinged, and just an all around bastard.

Yes, that is me leaning against the wall like a boss.  The game never fails to make you feel like a badass.

I chose to be a Marauder, which means I'm playing a pure DPS class and wield two lightsabers.  This is me two seconds after learning to dual wield.

Choosing dark side options will change your character visually.  Your skin will become pale, you'll get blemishes, and your eyes will gradually change to red.   You can see some of the early affects here, as my eyes are orange.  (They are supposed to be green.)  I've turned the feature off -- it starts to make you look sickly, which I don't particularly like.  It's a cool (and accurate) affect, though.

I took a picture of him because he looks cool.  That is all.

Okay, well that put a little dent in the screenshots, anyway.  As for where I am currently, my Sith Marauder is level 22.  I'm now on Nar Shaddaa, and the place is gorgeous.  I love having gone from desert (Korriban), to swamp (Dromund Kaas), to open plains (Balmorra), and now to a metropolis.  It's a very nice variety of locales and environments.

As for what I think of the game -- well it should be obvious the I think it's fucking awesome.  I'm having a blast playing it, and I have to force myself to stop.  I have very few complaints.  Biggest one?  Needs an LFG.  If I could queue up for group quests and instances, I'd be one happy Sith.

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