Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's the game that never ends.

I knew going into Skyrim that they designed it to last forever -- quests are randomly generated, dragons are randomly generated, etc.  That still doesn't change the fact, however, that eventually -I- will consider myself finished.  I'd either start to see repetition or I would simply get bored.  It doesn't matter how good something is -- eventually, if you play it long enough, you will get bored.  Just look at World of Warcraft.  There's no denying it's a brilliant game.  But it's also 7 years old and people are getting bored with it.  There's nothing you can do to prevent that.  Even re-branding yourself might not help -- Blizzard tried that with Cataclysm and it didn't really do much.  

I'm sort of waiting for that to happen with Skyrim, and it really hasn't yet.  Part of me wishes it would, because I have a house that needs cleaning, a litter box that needs emptying, Christmas shopping that needs doing, books that need reading, Christmas decorations that need decorating, and a myriad of other things that I should be doing right now.

But I digress -- Skyrim is awesome and I can't put it down.  With that being said, let's browse some screenshots, hm?

Everything that you kill has the potentially to provide a "finishing move" cut-scene.  This includes dragon slaying, of course!

Here's my character, looking as awesome as possible.

This shot looks so impressive.  It would make an excellent wallpaper.

Got trapped in an evil altar by an evil daedric prince of darkness.  Same 'ol, same 'ol.

Oh look, it's the wall from the trailer!  I won't reveal any spoilers here about it, but take a look at the intricate design.  It's amazing!  I loved how the torchlight reflected off all the little niches when the NPCs walked along it.  

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