Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Lonesome Road: Day 3

Note:  Steve is playing through The Lonesome Road; the last piece of Fallout: New Vegas DLC.  The following is the on-going journal for his character as he plays through to the end. 

Day 3 - February 6th, 2083

4:33 PM - I'm...not sure if there will be another entry after this one.  I'm bleeding pretty badly, and my supplies are almost gone.  And ED-E...he's gone. -He- took him.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.  

First of all, the trek across the divide was every bit as dangerous as Ulysses had said.  The Deathclaws here...they're different.  Stronger.  One knocked me right on my ass with one swipe earlier today.  I damn near didn't get up.  I've killed a lot of them today.  And a lot of marked men.  And even more of those tunnelers.  It's been one disaster after another.  

And then he talked to me again.  Through ED-E.  

I still don't know what he wants.  I don't even know if I care anymore.

Today was hell.  I was nearly blown up, chewed up, ripped up, and shot up.  I reached the silo.  I pulled the lever to open the door...

And it launched a missile.  It blew Hopeville to hell.  -I- blew Hopeville to hell. Made a crater out of it.  Me.  I did it.  Perhaps Ulysses is right.  I bring destruction no matter where I go.  I didn't mean to launch that missile.  I had no idea it would happen that way.  

I had no choice but to keep going.  Eventually, I found a path.  It was marked.  

So...I was close.  The Divide.  Just ahead.  Sure enough...there was the door.  I shivered as I looked at it.  I was glad ED-E was with me.  

When I stepped through that door, everything changed.  -I- changed.   Ulysses came calling again.  Through ED-E.  This time he told me more.  Things I had wanted to hear.  Things I didn't want to hear any more.  Things I now wish I could forget again.  

Back when I still walked The Divide, when I was that Courier, before the bullet from Benny took my memory, I carried a package.  I carried it along the road that I'd made.  The Divide.  I carried the package home.  

It was a detonator.  I had no idea.  And it activated the warheads beneath The Divide.  Set them off.  Made The Divide what it is today.  A barren wasteland of nothingness.  Full of turmoil.  Devoid of life.  Dead.  

Perhaps what I'd done is the reason I took the job to carry the Chip.  Perhaps I wanted Benny to find me.  I don't know.  I don't remember.  I don't care.  

After he was done speaking, he said one more word.  Navarro.  A keyword.  An override code for ED-E.  And then ED-E was gone.  Flown off to Ulysses.  To be used in whatever it is he's planning.  

It's not fair.  I never asked for any of this, and I never meant to hurt anyone. But I guess someone like me can't walk so many roads without affecting the lives of those around him.   Or perhaps I'm just cursed.  

Either way, I'm alone again.  My companion is gone.  Taken from me, just like all the others.  At least...excluding the ones who didn't leave on their own.  And here I lie, bleeding in a ditch inside The Divide.  Too stubborn to die but too brokenhearted to go on.  What am I going to do?

This page of the diary appears to be smeared slightly, as though water drops had been spilled on it.  Or...perhaps it was the Courier's tears.  

To be continued...

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