Sunday, May 15, 2011

Planting Time!

Today, I went out and purchased a bunch of things I would need for this year's planting season, to include the actual plants I intend to grow.  In regards to flowers, I won't need as many annuals this year as I usually do, because of all the bulbs I planted last year.  Surprisingly, almost all of the gladiolus are coming back up.  That's pretty damned cool. 

So anyway, in the way of flowers, I got three different kinds and that should be enough to fill out all the space I have.  One flat of impatiens, one flat of petunias, and one flat of marigolds. 

In addition to all of this, I also purchased some bamboo stakes to use when the gladiolus get too tall for their own good.  Also, I got a strawberry plant, some pepper plants, and a few tomato plants.  I may not like to eat vegetables, but I certainly do enjoy growing them. 

Now playing: The Fray - Happiness

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