Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Patch Day

WoW's Patch 4.0 came out today, which begins the first step towards the Cataclysm.  Today saw the implementation of a number of game changing things, the biggest of which being the sweeping talent tree changes.  Abilities have been changed, some have been removed, and there are even some new ones. 

Whenever something like this happens, it always makes you question whether or not you really know what you're doing.  I've never been one to extensively research things online.  I do it sometimes, especially if something is confusing me, but I always make the decisions about my character on my own.  He's MY character.  Someone else is not going to tell me what I'm supposed to do with him. 

So when it came time to spec my talents, I did it my way.  I read each one and I made the choices.  This morning, I went to Elitist Jerks to see what they thought.  I was pleased to see their suggested spec was nearly identical to mine, with only minor differences.  They took the self-healing talent, I took the Impending Victory talent. 

Seems that I still do have some idea as to what I'm doing.

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