Tuesday, April 06, 2010

PD: The Webcomic

So as I may or may not have mentioned (I'm going to go with "may not" here), I'm in the process of creating a new webcomic.  I've completed the first two comics already, but I'm going to wait until I have about twenty of them created before I start posting them so I have a huge-ass buffer to compensate for all the times I'm too fucking lazy to do anything creative.

To properly describe it, the comic will be quite irreverent.  You'll understand more of what I'm talking about when you actually see it.  Also keep in mind that I can't even draw stick figures well, so obviously you shouldn't be expecting any cartoons.  They'll all be screenshot based, ala Garry's Mod and such.  And naturally, most of the topics will be about gaming, because that's what I do.  Duh.

In other news, I just splooged Mtn Dew all over my desk.  Time to go find some paper towels. 

1 comment:

Mike P. said...

Haha @ MD splooge, +7 epic points if it's Gamer Fuel. I look forward to your Garry's Mod shenannigans. I enjoyed the irreverence of your work situational comics.

Depending on my lack of ambition I may incorporate something similar into my bloggings. But lets see how long the Blog lasts first.


Holy smokes.  The last post I wrote for this blog was on October 18, 2017.  Through the little more than  two years since, this blog has be...