Monday, February 01, 2010

Launch Day

It should come as no surprise that it’s Day 1 of Star Trek Online and the servers are down.  (Actually, they just came back up.  I’m installing a patch now.)

Back to that later.  In other news, I just finished reading Stephen King’s “On Writing” book.  I’m going to share my favorite excerpt from this book, because it’s just so good.  I was laughing my ass off as I was reading it.  It’s in regards to writing seminars and classes.  He notes that most of the people critiquing your work aren’t very helpful, speaking of how they like tone, feeling, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah, saying things like, “It’s like well I don’t know man…”  My favorite part of this was:

“It seems to occur to few of the attendees that if you have a feeling you just can’t describe, you might just be, I don’t know, kind of like, my sense of it is, maybe in the wrong fucking class.”

So true. 

Now playing: Jack's Mannequin - Swim

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