With two DLC’s, it was bound to happen. This thing SHITS BULLETS! Never runs out of ammo. OMFG.
Now playing: Switchfoot - This is Your Life
With two DLC’s, it was bound to happen. This thing SHITS BULLETS! Never runs out of ammo. OMFG.
Now playing: Switchfoot - This is Your Life
Okay, so I am willing to admit that shooting zombies in the head does have the possiblity of getting old. Who knew? Still, the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned was a pretty damn fun little expansion to Borderlands.
I think the most complaint most people would have about it was a lack of variety. All I did was kill zombies. All the time. Hordes of them. Armies of them. I shot them in the head. I blew them up. I shot them in the head some more. I’m going to be killing zombies in my sleep for weeks, I’m pretty sure of that.
I never get tired of these introduction cut-scenes, though. I love every single one of them.
There’s really not much more to say about THIS DLC, other than the fact that the finale was both a letdown and freaking awesome all at the same time. It was a letdown because you felt that it was abrupt. It was awesome because, well, these introduction cut-scenes are awesome!
Undead Ned. I’m still laughing at that one.
Okay, moving on now. The next DLC, “The Secret Armory of General Knox”. I’ve played it for a total of 5 minutes before I saved and quit for the night. If these first 5 minutes are any indication of the quality I should expect for this new DLC, I will say already that this one will be 50 times better than Zombie Ned. First of all, it looks like I’m going to have an ally, or at least some kind of NPC to interact with. Better already, since I was basically alone for all of Zombie Ned. Soon as I loaded it up, I was face to face with her:
That’s just a badass design. Also, it looks like there will be vehicles in this one, too, since Scooter is back. Vehicles were also absent from Zombie Ned.
So as I said, things are shaping up to be quite more kickassy in this one.
Now playing: Green Day - I Fought the Law
The great thing about being a gamer these days is that most game developers are interested in giving you what you want: MORE.
Or, in the terms of my generation: MOAR!
That being said, it comes as no surprise to me that since the last time I’ve played Borderlands, not one, but TWO DLC (Downloadable Content) releases have become available. After seeing the second one available, I decided it was about time I tried them out. I started with the Dr. Ned’s Zombie Island first, and while there’s really nothing new here other than I’m killing zombies instead of skags and bandits, it’s great to have some new content to play with in the gorgeously cell shaded world of Pandora.
Now playing: People in Planes - Narcoleptic
Now playing: Good Charlotte - Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous
You know, we have all these social networking websites now. We’re always connected to each other. Even right now, I’m writing to all of you out there online.
I wonder when we’re going to realize that we really don’t give a crap about each other. We’re only doing this because we like hearing ourselves talk.
Now playing: Carolina Liar - California Bound
Ok, so I’m a little behind here on my posts. Blame the games industry for releasing too many games at once.
In any case, I’ve given both Bioshock 2 and Aliens vs. Predator some significant play time. With Bioshock 2, I’ve played some of the single player, but most of my time has been spent in multiplayer. All the issues with the connection to the servers and the lag aside, it’s a hell of a lot of fun. And I think all of us RPG players at heart appreciate the ranking system they have incorporated into it. Thank you very much.
My favorite moment so far? Probably grabbing a Big Dadddy’s proximity mine with my telekinesis plasmid, and launching at some poor splicer, blowing him to bits. Achievement name: “Catch”.
Here’s some Bioshock 2 screenshots from single player:
Now on to Aliens vs. Predator. After some significant problems even getting the game to run (I froze six times on the opening cinematic), I finally updated my video drivers, which seems to have rectified my issues.
I’ve only played the single player Marine campaign so far, but I must say I am impressed. The atmosphere matches the tone of the movies very well. I found myself yelling out loud on several occasions as an alien appeared in front of me (seemingly out of nowhere). And seeing one racing along a wall at you is pretty freaking cool. (Undies soiling cool, mind you.)
The Queen boss fight was sort of lame, but the second half of it got me on the edge of my seat, so that’s okay I guess. That’s about where I stopped, although I did play a bit further along enough to see the first appearance of the Predator. Haven’t fought him yet, but I’m sure it won’t be long.
Here’s some screenies:
Now playing: Cage The Elephant - Lotus - Winamp *** 3784. Cage The Elephant - Lotus
Here are some pics of the big ass snow storm. Well, the aftermath of it, anyways.
Now playing: Puddle Of Mudd - Radiate
It should come as no surprise that it’s Day 1 of Star Trek Online and the servers are down. (Actually, they just came back up. I’m installing a patch now.)
Back to that later. In other news, I just finished reading Stephen King’s “On Writing” book. I’m going to share my favorite excerpt from this book, because it’s just so good. I was laughing my ass off as I was reading it. It’s in regards to writing seminars and classes. He notes that most of the people critiquing your work aren’t very helpful, speaking of how they like tone, feeling, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah, saying things like, “It’s like well I don’t know man…” My favorite part of this was:
“It seems to occur to few of the attendees that if you have a feeling you just can’t describe, you might just be, I don’t know, kind of like, my sense of it is, maybe in the wrong fucking class.”
So true.
Now playing: Jack's Mannequin - Swim
Holy smokes. The last post I wrote for this blog was on October 18, 2017. Through the little more than two years since, this blog has be...