Thursday, January 15, 2009

I love a challenge, and life is full of challenges. This morning's challenge: Driving to work after a heavy snow, with a half-icy, half wet road. That may not seem like much of a challenge, but allow me to make it more challenging! The road crews here are actually quite good at their job most of the time, and the roads were heavily salted this morning. As a result, I was constantly needing to use the trusty windshield cleaner button. Until I ran out of fluid half-way through my drive, requiring me to basically drive blind with nothing but a thick white coating of salt in front of me. But wait! Let me make this even MORE challenging. It would actually have been quite possible for me to see through the thick layer of salt on my windshield. Except it had stopped snowing and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky anymore. Nice BRIGHT sunny day, yessiree.

Do you know how fucking hard it is to see through a salt encrusted windshield with the sun beaming down on it? It's not even remotely possible. I'm shocked I didn't drive off a bridge.

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