Thursday, May 22, 2008

Today I examined the Guardian feats tree for AoC, in an attempt to better understand the class and if I'm sure it's the class that I am interested in playing. Also, it will be interesting to see if, after I've played the game and learned the class, if my initial analysis of the talents were accurate in what I chose.

Link to the tree.

I created that feat build with being a tank in mind, since that is what I fully expect to be doing in this game. I thoroughly enjoy the art of tanking in WoW, so I'm looking forward to doing the same thing in AoC. And, if it ends up being less of an endless grind, less of the hundreds of annoyances that must be dealt with in order to raid, and less of the time wasted before I can actually kill something, then it's money in the bank.

In any case, I'm reading up on the game all I can, but I don't plan on purchasing it just yet. I've been reading about a lot of launch bugs so far -- some that are so bad that you can't zone into certain places. So, I'm going to give it some time to stabilize before trying it least a month I'd say.

So far though, reaction to the game has been quite positive, so I'm optimistic about it.

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