Monday, January 21, 2008

Huh? What?

I remember when I was a little kid, I had a bit of trouble with my ears. I would get a lot of inner ear infections. It was nothing terribly out of the ordinary, but it ended with me getting tubes inserted into my canals. Not something that every kid gets, but it's not uncommon either. since childhood, I have had no problems with my ears whatsoever.

Warp zone to present day.

After I took a shower on Friday, my right ear felt clogged, as if I had gotten some water in it or something. I did all the usual tricks to get it out, including tilting my head to one side, jumping up and down on one foot, standing on my head, tapping my head, opening my mouth up really wide, closing my nose and mouth while blowing gently, etc. After none of these worked, I went to the store and got a bottle of Swimmer's Ear and an Ear Wax removal kit.

I used these products all weekend, and my ear still has not unclogged. And it's REALLY clogged. This morning I answered my phone, and I couldn't even hear the person on the other end. I had to switch ears. I don't have any pain in the ear, it's just clogged.

Since this situation is obviously out of my area of expertise, I've scheduled an appointment with the doctor tomorrow afternoon.

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