The game picks up exactly where the original left off: the horror moppet climbed into your helicopter and crashed it, and now you're in the middle of a ruined city and must make your way to the extraction point. Things, of course, are never just that easy. Somehow, the main villain that you killed in the first game isn't quite dead, and his army of clones are on the rampage again. Major slo-mo gun battles ensue.
One particular event in the game has stuck with me so far. After the incident in the first game, there were three members of the F.E.A.R. team left, including the playable character. You catch up with one of these other team members, and actually play through a whole level with them. Then, you get to watch him get torn apart by an invisible attacker that you can't see nor kill. You're helpless to do anything to save him.
This sequence reminded me very much of the end of Prey, where you have to kill the girl you've been trying to save for the entire game. I really enjoy when games are able to evoke emotions like that -- it makes the gameworld all the more immersive and enjoyable.
All in all, this game is equal to it's predecessor in every way. The only complaint I have thus far is a strange bug I've experienced 3 times now -- It seems that certain objects make my computer lag really bad, turning my FPS into a slideshow. It's been triggered by a car in flames, a crashed plane in flames, and a boss-fight. When I would face the car, plane, or boss, by frame rate would take a dump. Turning my back on the objects would fix the problem. Very strange. It certainly made beating the boss much more difficult, but it's only happened these three times so far. I'm not sure what's causing it either. On the plane, when I got closer to it, the problem stopped.
Other than that, it's golden.
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