Saturday, June 03, 2006

Really Big Rock

I was just reading a science article that was quite fascinating.

A group of scientists led by an American team from Ohio University have discovered a massive crater under the ice of Antarctica. It was caused by a meteor approximately 50 kilometers wide. 50! That's like, the size of a city. It created a crater 500 kilometers wide. ! ! !

They reported that this is probably the missing link scientists have been waiting for -- the reason why 95% of all life on Earth died 250 million years ago. This meteor is now the largest ever known to have hit the Earth -- even bigger than the 10 kilometer wide meteor that hit Mexico and killed off the dinosaurs. And, most likely, it's the reason why Austrailia, India, and South America broke away from Antarctica.

Seems like every few hundred million years, Mother Nature likes to press the reset button on life.

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